Tips on Planting Bulbs for the winter

Wednesday September 28, 2022

O’Toole’s has a great variety of bulbs. Here’s some tips on planting them for the winter:

The yellow shallots are the only ones you are suppose to harvest early-mid summer. So plant them at the very edges of the bed to leave room to plant in between them. Everything you get from O’Toole’s comes with instructions. All of the spacing, amount of sun, etc is on the back.

One thing to be aware of when planting in the winter is the sun vs the winter is very different depending on what your yard looks like. So you want to plant in some different areas than you would in the spring.

You want your garden to be working for you, so plant some garlic and onions. A lot of these you can harvest before you plant anything else in the spring and you’ll have a lot of great food. All you have to do is add some water.