How to Protect Your Plants from Late Freeze and Snow

Monday April 24, 2023

Did you know that after May 2, there’s a still 50% chance of frost in Denver? Don’t let that stop you from getting your garden started now! O’Toole’s offers frost blankets and other products to help protect your plans from hard freezes. If you’re a vegetable gardener, we recommend this Insulated Plant Protector/Mini Greenhouse from Dalen. Tubes of water to insulate young …

Frost Dates and Soil Temperature

Tuesday April 9, 2019

On the ends of the growing season, during the early spring and the late fall, it’s important to keep a sharp eye on the weather report. As all Coloradans know, weather during these strong seasons can change on a dime. Here’s some important dates to keep in mind when your out in your garden in the spring and fall. The …

Six Unique Fall Bulbs You Should Try!

Thursday October 4, 2018

During fall bulb season, our shop is a lot like an ice cream parlor. Of course, we have everyone’s favorite flavors like grape hyacinths, bearded irisand tulips. These are the “Cookie Dough” of bulbs – always a treat! But every now and then, you might feel like a “Butter Pecan,” or heck, even a “Pistachio” for your fall garden. If …

Rake Leaves

Spring Cleaning for Fall 2017

Thursday October 12, 2017

Does your garden look like a bomb went off in the spring? Do you spend the first warm weeks of May just cleaning up the wreck winter has wrought? Well, this year get out ahead with some simple housekeeping now. Remove any plant debris including any old fruits or veggies that have fallen on the ground. Bugs and disease love …

Leaf Change Color

Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall?

Thursday September 28, 2017

  The French writer Albert Camus called fall “a second spring where every leaf is a flower.” In Colorado, we are lucky enough to have one of the most dazzling “second spring” color displays in the world. Colorado aspens transformed into a shimmering sea of gold on a warm September afternoon is truly a sight to behold and the next …

Planting Trees in the Fall

Planting Trees in the Fall

Thursday August 31, 2017

Many people think that once fall rolls around, the planting season is over. But September is actually great time to plant trees, shrubs and perennials. There’s an old proverb we like to recite this time of year – “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is right now!” When planting during the fall, …

Pumpkins and Mums

Ask A Gardener – Fall Container Plants

Monday August 21, 2017

Fall is an absolutely wonderful time for container gardening! There’s still many warm, wonderful days ahead to enjoy beautiful flower pots, planters and containers. Here are some of our picks for fabulous fall flowers: Traditional Favorites These annuals are absolute fall garden stand-bys. They give a beautiful pop of color throughout the season. If you’re looking for that classic autumn …

Ask a Gardener – Winterizing Clay Pots

Wednesday November 9, 2016

Yes, clay pots can crack during the winter. As water freezes, it expands causing fissures and cracks in your pots. It’s the same thing that causes potholes to form in the road. Though it can happen to just about any material, the most susceptible pots are those made of terra cotta and clay. In fact, the very thing that makes …